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Coordinator of Mental Health Accessibility Appointed

  • Post category:News
Senate Bill 2610, passed during the 2020 legislative session, established a position for a Coordinator of Mental Health Accessibility to be appointed by the Department of Finance and Administration and housed at the Department of Mental Health.  The duties of the Coordinator are (this list is taken from the legislation, but abbreviated):
  • To perform a comprehensive review of Mississippi’s mental health system
  • To analyze and review the structure of the mental health system
  • To review the adequacy and quality of the individualized supports and services provided to persons discharged from the state hospitals
  • To review the quarterly financial statements and status reports of the individual community mental health centers
  • To consult with the Special Master appointed in the United States of America v. State of Mississippi, as well as a wide range of other stakeholders
  • To determine where in any county, or geographic area within a county, the delivery or availability of mental health services are inadequate
  • To determine whether each community mental health center has sufficient funds to provide the required mental health services
  • To report on the status of the mental health system quarterly.
Bill Rosamond was appointed to the Coordinator of Mental Health position on October 15. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Rosamond was a Special Assistant Attorney General and served as legal counsel for the Mississippi Department of Mental Health and the State Board of Mental Health. You can learn more about his work in that role on page 102 of this 2016 Attorney General Report.

This news article by Taylor Vance of the Daily Journal provides more background information about the position, and this is an interview with Mr. Rosamond about his vision for the position.

We congratulate Mr. Rosamond on his appointment and look forward to working with him. Several groups, Including Families as Allies, sent a letter outlining ways we can assist and support the work of the coordinator.

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