We are delighted to share with you that the Interagency Coordinating Council for Children and Youth (ICCCY) met on Tuesday, June 22. The ICCCY is designated in state law to oversee and coordinate the system of care for children’s mental health.
The ICCCY last met in December 2012. Much hard work over the past ten years, a committed collaboration with Wendy Bailey, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Mental Health, and strong buy-in from all of the ICCCY members made Tuesday’s meeting possible.
You can view the meeting at this link. The passcode is Bpf84$#b. These are the slides from the overview of the ICCCY.
All meetings of the ICCCY will be public and include opportunities for public comment. The next meeting will likely be scheduled in early October. You can share your thoughts and ideas with the ICCCY by completing this survey.